Engineering Services
Product Development at a glance
We provide optimal solutions to our customers along the entire product development process. Starting with system definition all the way through the final product design.

Systems Engineering

Circuit Development

Fast Breadboard Development

FPGA & ASIC Development

Mechanical Design


Final Assembly
Payloads & Systems
The department for Payloads & Systems develops, designs, manufactures and validates complex state of the art payloads for telecom and broadband applications. Recently, so called RF / optical payloads using digital processing and TESAT‘s unique Laser Communication Terminal (LCT) extended our portfolio towards modern optical technologies. High power subsystems like multiport amplifiers and radar subsystems are rounding up the range of products. Our Earth observation portfolio encompasses also digital data downlink subsystems that facilitate the transmission of data acquired by LEO satellites to ground. High data rate gigabit modulators enable our customers to increase their operational flexibility with ultra high downlink speeds.
We follow a strict customer requirements driven approach of delivering tailored turn key systems on ground and, if required, in-orbit. All necessary disciplines like systems engineering, equipment as well as antenna procurement and test support at customer premises are covered by a very experienced workforce. Many systems already delivered are operated in orbit by our customers.
TESAT is a competent partner for the development of intelligent systems. Due to increasing complexity, greater product variances and shorter product life cycles, all necessary disciplines must already be incorporated in the early product development phases. In addition, customer expectations regarding attractive cost and high reliability have to be fulfilled. Our systems engineering has decades of experience as well as numerous inhouse specialist disciplines and covers all necessary fields of activity such as system architecture design with requirements management including all essential analyses, simulations, tests and validations.
Payload Engineering
- Skilled & experienced workforce in systems engineering
- Proven experience in development & design of complex telecom & Earth observation payloads & subsystems with expertise in
- RF engineering & analyses
- Digital signal processing & coding
- Subsystem simulation
- Antenna technology & procurement
- Mechanical & thermal design
Design, development & verification of
- Telecom payloads & repeaters
- Bent pipe, processed RF / hybrid payloads
- Earth observation digital data downlink subsystems
- High rate modulation (incl. antennas)
- Multiport amplifiers, radar subsystems
- Antenna procurement
- In-orbit services
- Delivery of turn key solutions, incl. in-orbit delivery
- Numerous systems already operating successfully in-orbit
Analysis tools
- MATLAB, Simulink, Mathcad
- RF simulation in ADS, CST
- In-house developed simulators
- TICRA antenna design software
- AGI Satellite Tool Kit (STK)
- Satmaster Pro
Design tools
- Siemens NX with extensions
Design methods
- V-model based development
- Design to Cost
- Design for Six Sigma
- Requirements engineering with
- IBM Rational DOORS
System Engineering
- Skilled & experienced workforce in systems engineering
- Proven experience in development & design of complex telecom & Earth observation payloads & subsystems with expertise in
- RF engineering & analyses
- Digital signal processing & coding
- Subsystem simulation
- Antenna technology & procurement
- Mechanical & thermal design
Design, development & verification of
- Telecom payloads & repeaters
- Bent pipe, processed RF / hybrid payloads
- Earth observation digital data downlink subsystems
- High rate modulation (incl. antennas)
- Multiport amplifiers, radar subsystems
- Antenna procurement
- In-orbit services
- Delivery of turn key solutions, incl. in-orbit delivery
- Numerous systems already operating successfully in-orbit
Analysis tools
- MATLAB, Simulink, Mathcad
- RF simulation in ADS, CST
- In-house developed simulators
- TICRA antenna design software
- AGI Satellite Tool Kit (STK)
- Satmaster Pro
Design tools
- Siemens NX with extensions
Design methods
- V-model based development
- Design to Cost
- Design for Six Sigma
- Requirements engineering with
- IBM Rational DOORS
Optical Communications
Our highly motivated team develops optical and optoelectronic communication devices and systems – transferred from scratch into prototype hardware, VHDL code and software. By close alignment of requirements with our customers and feasibility checks in an early development stage, we get optimum results. Functional prototypes and breadboards can be manufactured and verified in short term.
In our labs, tests can comprise the complete optical transmission path including transmitter and receiver devices to confidentially verify overall functionality. Our direct and agile development approach results in fast development cycles and short time period from concept to hardware.
TESAT is enabling the optical communications market supporting the Laser Communication Terminals‘ (LCT) in-orbit maintenance and direct-to-Earth (DTE) missions. The LCT In-Orbit Services team has developed automated tools for converting and analysing the LCT´s telemetries (TMs) including the generation of performance and trend analyses. TESAT also provides engineering help desk (1st & 2nd level) and a complete end-to-end (E2E) test bed for validating new technologies, including optical groundstation (OGS) operators and mission planning.
Optical Communications
- Great experience in design of ultra low noise current sources for lasers & pump modules
- Development team experienced in mixed signal & optoelectronic circuit design
- Design of high precision sensor electronics for laser frequency control
- Design of high speed optical transmitters, receivers & tracking modules
- Development of processor & FPGA based control units
- Optimum design results with regard to harsh space environments
- Development of multi PCB systems incorporating mixed signal, high speed digital & optoelectronic features
- Rapid development of prototypes (concept to board)
- Mentor Xpedition (circuit design)
- Keysight ADS, OrCAD, KiCAD, CST Microwave, MATLAB (simulation)
- Labview, Python (test automation)
LCT In-Orbit Services
TESAT Laser Communication Terminals performed more than 40,000 successful optical links due to August 2020. The LCTs have an average of about 1,000 links per month.
Today, optical communication is commercially and successfully applied for high capacity data transmission between satellites. In consequence, there is also high interest for optical data transmission from and towards ground. Applications range from feeder links (ground to GEO), over links from LEO direct-to-Earth (DTE) and links between ground and airborne platforms (High Altitude Platforms (HAPs), UAVs) up to quantum key distribution from space to ground.
- Enabler of the optical communication market support
- Providing customer support in the transient to optical communication
- Perform maintenances for LCTs in-orbit
- E2E test bed for 1064 & 1550 nm
- Professional engineering help desk
- Performance & trend analyses
- DTE mission planning
- MATLAB & Origin (TM Analysis)
- Python & C (TM Handling)
- IBM Rational DOORS
RF & Power
The MMIC and RF module development team develops and designs ICs and RF modules for various applications, e.g. SSPA (solid state power amplifier) and LCAMP (linearized channel amplifier). Designs are based on commercially available foundry processes (GaAs, GaN or Si). During design phase the IC integration into the package is taken into account such that the final RF module can be optimally manufactured on TESAT‘s highly automated production lines.
RF communication assemblies is responsible for the development and design of whole RF communication systems as well as its individual components. During design phase, complex system simulations using basic building blocks and endto- end RF parameter-simulations are performed in order to anticipate an optimum overall system performance, including all active and passive structures.
Starting point in development of power supply equipment is the mutual understanding of product requirements between the customer and TESAT. Based on decades of experience in power supply development, customized technical and programmatic solutions are elaborated. Along with an appropriate toolset for modelling and simulation, the electrical design will finally result in schematics ready for PCB layout.
MMIC Design
- IC design using GaAs, GaN or silicon based processes
- RF module design for highly automated assembly as well as highly automated manufacturing
- HTCC, LTCC & PCB-based module design
- Complete design chain from circuit level design up to DRC / LVS rule checking
- More than 12 years experience in MMIC & RF design in the satcom frequency bands ranging from L- to Q-Band
- Single & multichannel
- Receiver modules
- Up to Q-Band (42 GHz) frequencies
- Keysight ADS & Momentum 3D EM Simulator
- Dassault CST Studio
High voltage & power supply design
- Experience with wide range of standard power topologies
- High voltage design
- Radiation hardened power converter design
- New Space experience
- Analog & digital circuits (e.g. for signal processing, control, protection & interfaces)
- Power supply development & design ranging from several Volts / Watts up to many kV / kW-designs
- Power supplies for all kinds of space equipment
- RF
- Optical
- Data
- Propulsion
- Space based simulation of complex power supplies
- Mathcad, MATLAB
- High voltage FEM based simulation tools (Keysight ADS)
- Mentor Xpedition Suite
- Development with Design for Six Sigma methods
RF communication assembly design
- System design & synthesis of complex RF assemblies incorporating:
- Filters
- Structures
- Isolators
- Couplers
- RF Switches
- RF design for space enviroment
- Modelling of non-linear RF components & equipment
- Microwave power modules based on travelling wave tube amplifiers as well as solid state power amplifiers
- Linearizers
- Modulators
- Up- / Downconverters
- Multiplexers, filters & components
- ECSS Multipactor tool
- In-house modematching & synthesis tools
RF communication assembly analysis
- RF simulation of planar & 3D structures
- Magnetic field simulations (e.g. for isolators & mechanical systems)
- Loss distribution calculation
- RF breakdown simulations (Corona-breakdown & multipaction breakdown)
- S-parameter simulations
- Power handling prediction
- EMC calculation & optimisation
- Yield analysis
- CST Studio Suite
- μWave Wizard
- Ansys HFSS
- Spark3D
- Fest3D
Digital & Software
Agile or classic in the traditional waterfall process? Our embedded software development team is as flexible as your requirements. Many years of experience in traditional software development and maintenance according to DLR / ECSS standards, combined with constant curiosity to approach new projects creatively and agile, guarantee high-quality software solutions for a wide variety of applications and customer requirements.
TESAT's digital development department provides everything needed to develop digital equipment or modules. Starting with digital signal processing algorithm development for efficient and safe data transmission, the department performs implementation of these algorithms onto FPGAs or ASCIs and develops the corresponding equipment hardware. Software co-integration is strongly supported by the development flows used as well as System-on-Chip (SoC) solutions using RISC-V architectures.
Interfacing to RF modules is provided by development capabilities for mixed signal ASICs that allow automated calibration and tuning of RF chains or easy configuration of larger RF module arrays.
Last but not least, the software development department implements the necessary applications running on different platforms SoCs or standalone controllers. Beyond ordinary space applications, applications with complex algorithms, timing critical tasks as well as the capability to be extendable in orbit have been developed.
Digital Design
- ASIC & FPGA development (capable of mixed signal & full custom designs)
- Digital signal processing, e.g. channel coding, modulation, synchronization & data management
- Consulting in algorithm design, signal processing & digital unit design
- IP & soft core integration
- Modulators & demodulators
- Transceiver & signalprocessing units up to 100 Gbps
- Digital control & data handling units
- Mentor Xpedition (circuit design)
- Keysight ADS, OrCAD, CST
- C / C++ / MATLAB simulation environments
- Xilinx, Microsemi, NanoXplore, Intel FPGA toolchains
- Mentor Pyxis for mixed signal ASIC designs
- Questa ADMS + SE, Eldo simulation environment
- Rich tested FPGA design & algorithm libraries
Software Development
- Flight software development according to ESA standards
- Agile software development (SCRUM, Kanban)
- Software verification & validation
- Unit & system control flight software, e.g. for Laser Communication Terminals
- Ground support software for testing, e.g. spacecraft simulators
- Programming languages: MISRA C (Flight-SW), C++, Python, Java
- Real time operating systems: VxWorks, RTEMS, embedded Linux
- Mercurial revision control
- Hardware-in-the-Loop (HIL) validation
- Software verification & validation according to ESA standards
- RAMS analyses, e.g. SWFMECA, SW-HSIA
Design & Analysis
TESAT‘s design department acts as a central link between development and operations for all aspects of mechanical, PCB and ceramic hybrid module designs. In close coordination with our customers, design requirements are translated into complete data sets for manufacturing as well as customer documentation. Design and manufacturing guidelines are incorporated and continuously refined to get optimum results for internal or external manufacturing processes.
Our analysis department provides expertise and information to adapt designs to specific space environments, regarding all mechanical, thermal, electrical or radiative aspects. It supports our customers in defining environmental conditions, calculates safety margins, performs complete analyses and associated environmental tests.
PCB & modules design
- PCB & module designs with emphasis on RF, high voltage, high power, high speed digital & mixed signal with up to 30 layers
- Experienced in various PCB technologies like metal core, rigid / rigid-flex & flex as well as cavity based
- Complete layout for PCBs, PWBs & substrates
- Preferred input formats for PCB & module designs are:
- Undocked Mentor Job / Native Schematics, Netlist, IDF, DXF, STEP & JT
- Output formats for manufacturing data:
- ODB++, Extended Gerber, IDF, DXF, STEP & JT, PDF
- Mentor Xpedition Enterprise Layout & Library
- Siemens NX for 3D parts library
- SAP as ERP / PDM / PLM system
Mechanical design
- Staff trained in design for Six Sigma methods (Green & Black Belts)
- Feasibility studies for mechanical designs
- Supply complete paperless documentation including 3D models (STEP, JT) for manufacturing
- Ready for application of new design & manufacturing technologies, e.g. topology optimisation & additive manufacturing
- Mechanical design of payloads, downlink subsystems, optical units, complex output & input multiplexer assemblies, coaxial & waveguide switches / filters
- Siemens NX for mechanical design
- ECTR 4.6 with SAP for PLM & ERP
- Proprietary parametric design tools for special applications
Environmental & Finite Element Analyses
- Expertise in radiation testing, device selection & effect calculation
- Expertise in electronic device modelling for radiation, aging & temperature effects
- Expertise in reliability calculation including redundancy
- Performing of
- Parts stress analysis
- Reliability analysis
- Failure mode effects & criticality analysis including outage analysis & single event effects rate calculation
- Worst case analysis
- Safety analysis
- Definition of radiation environment for specific mission profiles
- Development & performance of radiation tests & part assessment regarding radiation
- Mentor Xpedition AMS for mixed signal electrical simulation
- PTC windchill reliability calculation according to MILHDBK 217 F or FIDES
- Omere SEE rate prediction
Reliability & Electrical
- RF simulation of planar & 3D structures
- Magnetic field simulations (e.g. for isolators & mechanical systems)
- Loss distribution calculation
- RF breakdown simulations (Corona-breakdown & multipaction breakdown)
- S-parameter simulations
- Power handling prediction
- EMC calculation & optimisation
- Yield analysis
- CST Studio Suite
- μWave Wizard
- Ansys HFSS
- Spark3D
- Fest3D