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Press Releases

03 June 2016

ILA Berlin Air Show - Day 3

Perfect weather conditions introduced the third day at the ILA Berlin Air Show 2016, which was also the first visitor day of the exhibition. 

Today at our booth we had two young delegations, one from DeSK (German Center for Satellite Communication) and one from Thales. Also our own trainees came to visit us and took the long way from Backnang. 

02 June 2016

ILA Berlin Air Show - Day 2

After the first successful day, the second came to follow. You may say that some sort of routine came up and everything seemed to be a bit easier. 

Since Sigmar Gabriel officially opened the exhibition yesterday, Alexander Dobrindt came today to visit Europes largest fair for aerospace industries. Beneath that we had a very interested and way more interesting delegation at our both: the Juris. These are from a iniative from the BDLI,  which has the aim to interest young boys and girls in technics and aerospace. 

01 June 2016

ILA Berlin Air Show - Day 1

Without wanting to praise ourselves, you have to ungrudgingly acknowledge that our booth belongs to the most beautiful ones here at the ILA. After two busy construction days full of sweat and frayed nerves our booth shone today for the opening in all its glory!

04 May 2016

PCs for Cameroon

According to the motto „PCs for Cameroon“ Tesat-Spacecom has donated several disused computers, laptops and a projector to the Cameroon Christian University Institute, which so could be get a new provision instead of being scrapped.

Initiator of this campaign and messenger of the devices was Dr. Augustine Mofor, who himself, as a contribution to the development of Cameroon, his homeland, gives lectures at several universities in technichal subjects. Just by this activity Dr. Mofor became aware of the situation and developed the idea to help.

The event last year was only the beginning of the cooperation and of a more symbolic nature. In the future, support for the universities of Cameroon is to be expanded.

02 May 2016

Conflict Minerals

We see the materials gold, tin, tungsten and tantalum in our every day life. Each of our devices contains at least on of these raw materials, be it gold in the bonding wires, tantalum in the capacitor, tungsten in a traveling wave tube amplifier or tin in a soldered point. The sources of these raw materials are mines in resource rich countries such as the Democratic Republic of Congo. There the profit out of the export of the raw materials does not lead to a wealthy economy but finances the lasting for years civil war.

28 April 2016

Rockwell Collins Award for Tesat

Tesat Parts Agency was honored with the this year’s “Supplier of the Year” award in the category “Value-Add Supplier” by Rockwell Collins. The US aerospace company awards this prize annually from hundreds of suppliers to only ten chosen companies.

22 April 2016

Live: Launch of Sentinel-1B

Update 2: Start postponed a second time. For further info, please go with the livestream player.

Update: Due to bad weather conditions the launch is postponed. New launch Date: today, 23.04.16, 22:30h (CET). Stay tuned.

Tonight at 23:02 Central European Time a Soyuz rocket with a precious cargo launches from the European spaceport near Kourou in French Guiana: Not only the satellite Sentinel-1B, the fourth "guardian" of the European Earth observation program Copernicus is on board, but also a Laser Communication Terminal (LCT) from Tesat-Spacecom, to collect and send more precise data from earth to earth. Sentinel-1B joins his twin satellites 1A, which circulates already for two years to the Earth and the other Sentinels 2A and 3A.

19 April 2016

Pioneering 3D Printing for RF components

March 2016 – As the first company worldwide, Tesat-Spacecom, one of the largest space technology companies in Germany, has pioneered the application of additive manufacturing techniques, also known as 3D printing, for the production of microwave components. The breakthrough took place within the framework of an activity supported by ESA through the Competitiveness & Growth Element of the ARTES programme.

17 March 2016

EDRS-C Communication Module delivered

On 14th March 2016 the communication module (CM) of the EDRS-C payload was delivered to OHB. On the 16th March the incoming inspection in Bremen could also be completed successfully. Thereby two of the three components of the payload – CM and antenna – as also the testing system for the following satellite testing phase at OHB in Bremen respectively at IABG in Ottobrunn are ready. The last essential component for the function of the hybrid payload, the LCT, is in the final acceptance test phase at Tesat-Spacecom.

08 March 2016

"Fokus Beruf 2016" in Waiblingen

Early March 2016 in the civic center of Waiblingen: Roundabout 8,000 visitors gathered information from 120 exhibitors about training offers in the region.

Already on Friday morning numerous students pressed, gathered in school classes, through the narrow aisles. On Saturday many students came with their parents to inform on training offers with all the individual companies.

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